Adult Faith Formation

Bible Study

We meet every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to noon in the church library.  Our hour consists of communal prayer, attention to scripture as it applies to our lives, and fellowship.

Updated February 2025:
We continue to deep dive into the Gospel According to Matthew and are particularly interested in its connection to the Plan of God. There is indeed a Plan of which we are part and these conversations invite us to spiritual growth.  

If you have any questions contact Kathie. We look forward to new faces!

Still Waters

Still Water Fellowship takes place around a good meal and an interesting topic dealing with spirituality, starting at 11 a.m. and ending by 12:30 p.m.  This happens on the last Saturday of each month.  All are welcome! RSVPs are encouraged in the interest of meal planning. 

February 22 we will meet at Roger Parker's home for fellowship, a meal, some singing of Taizé prayers, and a Celtic noon day prayer. Reservations are needed so that the meal will be sufficient for the number. Roger's musicianship will shine forth with joy at the keyboard of his yet unnamed piano. Consider yourself invited and most welcome!

Email, text, or call Kathie with questions or responses to the invitation:
[email protected]
(734) 216-4015